meI am Merinne, a librarian living in London.  After getting my qualification in 2012, I took a headlong plunge into the related world of digital resources, knowledge management, search technologies, and intranets, and it is entirely likely that these things and more will come up a lot in this blog.  However, fundamentally I remain a research nut, fascinated by finding things – obscure documents in online archives, definitive versions of the facts in a morass of opinion and commentary, toffees and tuppences down the back of the sofa, you name it.  I’ve started this blog so as to share this fascination with my fellow knowledge nerds, and to hopefully forge some professional and personal connections.

However, knowing myself, I will be entirely unable to stick to the topic in hand all of the time, so am starting out on the understanding that there will inevitably be diversions into my other passions and pursuits along the way.  these include politics, feminism, literature, film and TV, writing, knitting, cooking, and a few new arrivals in my life – exercise and pickling – which I hope to get further to grips with as I go along.  Essentially, this blog will be a ragbag of rubbish – hence the title, a nonsense non sequitur which nonetheless probably tells you a lot about my attitude to life.

I am hoping that writing (and reading) this blog will be the digital equivalent of a nice cup of tea and a sit down – a simple pleasure, easy and restorative.  Pull up a pew and I’ll put on a brew.  All views are my own.

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